Monday, February 7, 2022


The current face of Ghanaian cities is characterised by cluttering of houses, overcrowding, poor environmental and insanitary conditions. Why? The lack of effective supervision of planning regulations in Ghana has led to the near collapse of urban planning strategies.

Sensitive facilities such as gas and fuel stations are sited in areas of high human concentration. There is perennial flooding due to inadequate drainage systems, clogged waterways and improper control of building siting and zoning.

Traffic congestion and overcrowding is the bane of Ghanaian cities, which has grown rapidly since independence. Greater number of vehicles ply the insufficient road network resulting in slower vehicle speeds, queuing and longer distances between points. A lot of fuel is wasted raising pollution level in the cities, with stressful conditions and health issues which lead to loss in productivity.

Must Ghanaian cities be decentralised, and to what extent? It is possible this question has crossed the minds of many well-meaning Ghanaians.

Well, the argument for orderly development, adequate environmental sanitation, tolerable densities and effective local planning in Ghanaian cities is strong and urgent.

My name is Kofi Anokye, a development enthusiast. I’m making my perfect grain of sand. Make yours too, and we’ll build a sustainable city, brick by brick.

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